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段旭明演唱青藏高原 Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (Qing Zang Gao Yuan) 是誰帶來 遠古的呼喚 Ya la so...... How far can we go back in time? 是誰留下千 年的祈盼 How high can we approach the divine? 難道說還有 無言的歌 Without lyrics is a silent song 還是那久久不能忘懷 的眷戀 Without an end is my forever romance 哦 ... Ohhh... 我看見一座座山 一座座山川 On the highland, I am yet to see the end 一座座山川 相連 From the sky, the rivers begin to run 呀啦索 The Plateau 那可是青藏高原? Is my holy highland 是誰日夜 遙望著藍天 Who does always look up to the divine? 是誰渴望 永久的夢幻 Who keeps always the dream in mind? 難道說還有 讚美的歌 How far is my song being heard? 還是那仿佛不能 改變的莊嚴 This is the homeland my song always dignify 哦 ... Ohhhh... 我看見一座座山 一座座山川 On the highland, I am yet to see the end 一座座山川 相連 From the sky, the rivers begin to run 呀啦索 The Plateau 那就是青藏高原 Is my holy highland.

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