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The Zen Cart Execution Process
以: 为例
We know $main_page=account

index.php will do the following:

   1. it loads 'includes/application_top.php'
      This file will load in all of general definitions used site-wide, initialize some site-wide classes ($template, $db) and do other general stuff.
   2. it loads all of the files starting with 'header_php' in 'includes/modules/pages/account'
   3. now it loads from includes/templates/mytemplate/common/
      The default html_header.php file will simply create all of the HTML up to the </head> tag
      It loads 'includes/modules/meta_tags.php',
      It loads 'includes/templates/mytemplate/css/style*.css'
      It loads 'includes/templates/mytemplate/js/jscript_*.js'
      set $body_code to: includes/templates/mytemplate/templates/tpl_{$main_page}_default.php (tpl_account_default.php)
      Here all of the program logic and variables will be mixed up with the actual displayed HTML code
      this file lays out the basic page.
         1. <body>
         2. loads the 'includes/modules/header.php' file
         3. if the left column is enabled, it loads 'includes/modules/column_left.php'
         4. it loads the file set in $body_code (tpl_{$main_page}_default.php &#20063;&#23601;&#26159;: tpl_account_default.php)
         5. if the right column is enabled, it loads 'includes/modules/column_right.php'
         6. loads 'includes/modules/footer.php'
         7. </body>

Reference: The Zen Cart Execution Process