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使用 jQuery 实现元素的横向滑入滑出

使用 jQuery 实现元素的横向滑入滑出
2012年04月02日 IT点滴 | 浏览 12,672 暂无评论      
虽然 jQuery 有一组漂亮的幻灯片效果:.slideDown(),.slideUp() 和 .slideToggle(),它们的滑动方向都是垂直的。有时,我们可能需要水平方向的滑动。最简单的方法是通过对元素的 width 属性使用 .animate() 方法来实现。
  1. $(document).ready(function() {   
  2.   $('#slidewidth button').click(function() {   
  3.     $(this).next().animate({width: 'toggle'});   
  4.   });   
  5. });  
billed as / paraded / festivities / renovated / spectacle
1. But, apart from concerns over potential increased rent in social housing, she was against the current proposals to move long-term residents into different ________________ homes on site.
billed as / paraded / festivities / renovated / spectacle
1. But, apart from concerns over potential increased rent in social housing, she was against the current proposals to move long-term residents into different ________________renovated homes on site.

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