在这里下载 HTTracks 免安装版本,解压后点击:WinHTTrack.exe 启动图形界面,按提示进行即可。(可参考下面的文章,转载自:Use HTTracks (for Windows, Linux and Android)
HTTracks is a popular tool to download the whole data of a website and access it offline. It is an open-source tool that is available for Windows, Linux and Android platforms. It will download the whole website by moving from link to link, so it is also able to format the archive like you are browsing the website online.
Although HTTracks is highly customizable, but it has a simple wizard to let novice users easily download website data. Here’s how to use it:
Install and launch HTTracks and click on the “Next” button to start the wizard. You will be asked to provide name for the project that you want create. This name will help you identify the data when you want to access it later, so make sure it’s relevant.
On the next page, click on the “Add URL” button and enter the URL of the website that you want to download. You can also add multiple websites, if you want to download the data of more than one website.
There is also a“Set options” button where you can find some really handy customization options. However, you should first read HTTracks manual before messing around with the options.
Now simply click “Next” and then “Finish” to start downloading the website data.
The process could take a lot of time depending on how big the website is. It may even take days to download a website as massive as Hongkiat.com. On top of that, this data could easily take GBs of space on your hard drive, so make sure you have enough space. Once downloaded, you can open the project to start browsing the website in your default browser.
Tip: HTTracks starts downloading data from the latest updates and moves backward. If you only want latest data and not the whole website, then cancel the download process when you are sure that the needed data is downloaded. Even if the download process is cancelled, you can still access the data that has been already downloaded.
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