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2012年12月29日 双语新闻 | 转载 | 浏览 6,785 暂无评论      

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<a href="http://www.voanews.com/content/china-to-require-real-name-internet-registration/1573660.html" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="http://gdb.voanews.eu/7A6D4551-CC00-49BF-A8EA-1A260F74CB02_w640_r1_s_cx0_cy1_cw0.jpg" title="China Predicted to Overtake US as Economic Power by 2030" class="alignleft" width="472" height="280" style="margin:0 10px 0 0;"/></a><!-- 中文标题 --><strong>中国要求互联网用户实名登记</strong><!-- 中文结束 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info">
<!-- 英文标题 --><strong>China Requires Real-Name Internet Registration</strong>

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中国官方通讯社报道,政府通过要求网民实名注册加强了对互联网用户的控制。<!-- 中文结束 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info"><!-- 英文开始 -->China's official news agency says the government has tightened controls on Internet users by enacting rules requiring them to register their real names.

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官方的新华社说,历时五天的全国人大常委会在星期五的闭幕会议上通过了这项措施。<!-- 中文结束 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info"><!-- 英文开始 -->The state Xinhua news agency said lawmakers approved the measures Friday at the closing meeting of a five-day session of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

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中国官方说,这项规定是为了加强保护网络用户的个人信息,并打击垃圾邮件等滥用行为。然而,实名登记制还将<strong>限制</strong>人们在网上举报官员腐败和<strong>滥用职权</strong>,这些举报通常是匿名进行的。<!-- 中文结束 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info"><!-- 英文开始 -->Beijing says the regulation is aimed at protecting the personal information of Web users and cracking down on abuses such as junk e-mail. However real-name registration will also <strong>curtail </strong>people's ability to report, often anonymously, corruption and <strong>official abuses</strong>.

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中国境内很多网络用户使用“虚拟个人网络”(VPN) 登陆被中国审查人员封锁的网站。不过,在北京的咨询商、同时担任斯坦福大学商学研究生院做高级顾问的邓肯·克拉克对美国之音记者贝蒂说,中国当局也在限制人们获取VPN的途径,这可能会伤害到公司企业。<!-- 中文结束 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info"><!-- 英文开始 -->Many Internet users in China have turned to so-called virtual private networks (VPNs) to gain access to websites that are otherwise blocked by China's Internet censorship, but Duncan Clark, a Beijing-based consultant who is also a senior adviser to Stanford University's Graduate School of Business, tells VOA's Victor Beattie Chinese authorities are limiting access to those, too, and that could hurt business.

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克拉克说:“一方面,我们有很多跨国公司,包括那些想要走向全球的中国跨国公司,它们必须能够登陆境外网站并以安全方式交换数据。可是,我们还有一些中小型企业,它们利用计算机云技术或者谷歌的 Google Drive 这样的途径来获取财务共享或者账单共享等软件。而一旦这条途径被封,人们就转向这些 VPN,而如果 VPN 也不灵了,那你就倒霉了。”<!-- 中文结束 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info"><!-- 英文开始 -->"On the one hand we have a lot of multi-national companies who depend on, and that includes Chinese multi-nationals who are trying to go global, who depend on access to sites outside and secure ways of exchanging data. But also we have a number of small to medium size enterprises who use cloud computing or things like Google Drive to access say you know shared accounting or invoicing software, and once that's blocked, of course people have been shifting to these VPNs, but if the VPNs aren't working, then you're out of luck."

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北京推动商务或教育性的互联网使用,但禁止被视为<strong>具有颠覆性的</strong>内容,并封锁了许多网站。<!-- 中文结束 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info"><!-- 英文开始 -->Beijing promotes Internet use for business and education but bans material deemed <strong>subversive</strong> and blocks many Web sites.

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手动升级 WordPress 过程

手动升级 WordPress 过程
2012年12月12日 WordPress | 浏览 5,635 评论 1      
WordPress 3.5 版本正式发布了,想升一下级。自动升级不太放心,决定手动升级,看了看别人的升级过程,也看了官方的升级帮助(还有中文版)。记录下了自己的操作过程,以备日后参考。
1. 备份数据库
用 phpmyadmin 导出数据,也可直接用 MySQL 命令:
mysqldump -u root -p your_wordpress_db>/backup/folder/wordpress-`hostname`-`date '+%Y-%m-%d'`.sql
mysql -u root -p your_db<your_db_backup_file.sql
2. 备份程序文件
sudo tar -pzcvf /backup/folder/wordpress-`hostname`-`date '+%Y-%m-%d'`.tgz html_root_folder/
完成后,有 SSH 支持的朋友可用下面命令下载到本地:
scp username@your.server.com:/backup/folder/wordpress-`hostname`-`date '+%Y-%m-%d'`.* .
需要 FTP 图形界面时可使用 FileZilla,一款不错的免费软件。
tar -pzxvf your_backup_file.tgz
3. 下载 WordPress 中文或英文版
官网下载最新版本的 WordPress (或中文版),上传到服务器并解压。
4. 安装软件
【小心没错】虽然前面已备份打包,还是再做一次拷贝:cp -rp htmlRootDir htmlRootDir_oldVersion
删除旧版根目录中的 wp-includes 和 wp-admin 这两个目录文件夹。
将新版根目录中的 wp-includes 和 wp-admin 这两个目录及目录内的文件放入旧版根目录中.
用新版的根目录和 /wp-content/ 目录中的文件, 合并到旧版同名目录文件下,只用新的覆盖旧的,不要删除任何文件。
【注意】如果你对旧版中的程序文件曾经做过修改,覆盖之前,将修改过的代码 copy 到相应的新版本文件里。
5. 升级数据库
进入博客后台 /wp-admin,登录后,会要求升级数据库,点击按钮 (http://example.com/wordpress/wp-admin/upgrade.php),按照提示操作即可。


2012年12月10日 黄帝内经 | 转载 | 浏览 4,921 暂无评论      





转载自:《看中国》首頁 › 看文化 › 文典漫谈


2012年12月07日 黄帝内经 | 浏览 660,117 暂无评论      
Discussion on the Important Ideas in the Golden Chamber
【英译】Huangdi asked, "In the heavens there are eight kinds of wind [from different directions]. [In the pathological changes of] the Jingmai (Channels) there are five kinds of wind". What do they refer to?"
【英译】Qibo answered, "The eight kinds of wind may change into Xie (Evil) which causes Jingfeng (Channel-Wind) ". [After] invading the Five Zang-Organs, Xieqi (Evil-Qi) begins to cause diseases. As to the so-called Sheng (Domination) among the four seasons, spring dominates over late summer, late summer over winter, winter over summer, summer over autumn and autumn over spring. This is what the four seasons dominate over each other means.”
【英译】"The east wind appears in spring. The diseases [occurring in spring tend to] involve the liver and the Acupoints are on the neck and nape . The south wind appears in summer. The diseases [occurring in summer tend to] involve the heart and the Acupoints
are on the chest and rib-side. The west wind appears in autumn. The diseases [occurring in autumn tend to] involve the lung and the Acupoints are on the shoulders and back, The north wind appears in winter, The diseases [occurring in winter tend to] involve the kidney and the Acupoints is on the waist and thigh. The center pertains to Earth [in the Wuxing (Five-Elements)] and the disorders usually involve the spleen and the Shu (Acupoint) are on the spine. "
【英译】 [The above analyses explain why] diseases caused by Chunqi (Spring-Qi) often involve the head, diseases caused by summer-Qi usually involve the Zang-Organs, diseases caused by Qiuqi (Autumn-Qi) frequently involve the shoulders and back, and diseases caused by Dongqi (Winter-Qi) always involve the four limbs. That is why Qiunü (nasal stuffiness and bleeding) is usually seen in spring, chest and rib-side disorders are often seen in summer, Hanzhong (internal cold syndromes) like Dongxie (acute diarrhea) are frequently seen in late summer, Fengnüe (Wind-Malaria) is often seen in autumn and Bijue (numbness and coldness of the four limbs) is always seen in winter.
【英译】"So avoidance of Anqiao (massage) in winter will prevent Qiunü ( nasal stuffiness and bleeding) and diseases of the neck and nape in spring, disorders of the chest and rib-side in summer, Hanzhong (internal cold syndromes) like Dongxie (acute diarrhea)
in late summer, Fengnüe (wind-malaria) in autumn and Bijue (numbness and coldness of the four limbs), Sunxie (diarrhea with undigested food in it) and polyhidrosis in winter."
【英译】"Jing (Essence) is the foundation of the body. Proper storage of Jing will prevent the occurrence of warm disease in spring, anhidrosis in summer, Fengnüe (Wind-Malaria) in autumn. This is [the routine method used to examine] the pulse conditions of general people. "
【英译】"That is why it is said that there is Yin within Yin and Yang within Yang. From the dawn to the noon, [it is a period of] Yang in the heavens, [known as] Yang within Yang. From the noon to the dusk, [it is also a period of] Yang in the heavens, [but known as] Yin within Yang. From the night to rooster's crow, [it is a period of] Yin in the heavens, [known as] Yin within Yin. From the rooster's crow (midnight) to the dawn. [it is a period of] Yin in the heavens, [known as] Yang within Yin. [The movement of Yin and Yang] in the human body also follows such an order. "
【英译】"In tenns of Yin and Yang in the human body. the external is Yang and the internal Yin. In terms of Yin and Yang [ concerning the parts] of the human body, the back is Yang and the abdomen is Yin. In terms of Yin and Yang concerning the Zangfu-Organs. the Zang-Organs pertain to Yin and the Fu-Organs to Yang. So the liver, the heart, the spleen. the lung and the kidney are all Yin, while the gallbladder, the stomach, the large intestine, the small intestine, the bladder and the Sanjiao (Triple-Energizer) are all Yang. What is the use to divide Yin from Yin and Yang from Yang? Because diseases in winter are of Yin [nature] while diseases in summer are of Yang [nature ], and diseases in spring are of Yin [nature] while diseases in autumn are of Yang [nature]. Diseases occurring in different seasons should be treated by Zhenshi (acupuncture and stone-needle) according to their
specific locations. Thus the back belongs to Yang and the Yang within Yang is the heart; the back belongs to Yang and the Yin within Yang is the lung; the abdomen belongs to Yin and the Yin within Yin is the kidney; the abdomen belongs to Yin and the Yang within Yin is the liver; the abdomen belongs to Yin and the extreme Yin within Yin is the spleen. All [the examples mentioned above] are the interrelation and interaction between Yin and Yang, the inside and the outside, the external and the internal as well as the male and the female. Clearly they all correspond to Yin and Yang in nature."
【英译】Huangdi asked, “Apart from the correspondence to the four seasons, do the Five Zang-Organs have [the functions of] reception and storage respectively? "
【英译】Qibo answered, "Yes. [For example, ] the east corresponds to blue in color and is related to the liver that opens into the eyes and stores Jing (Essence). [The manifestation of] the liver disease is fright. [As to the analogy, the liver is related to] sour [in tastes ] , grasses and trees in Wood, chicken in domestic animals, wheat in crops and Jupiter in stars in the four seasons, {so Chunqi (Spring-Qi ) and the diseases caused by it often involve the head} Jiao in scales, eight in numbers {so the liver diseases often involve the sinews} and foul smell in odors.
【英译】"The south is related to red in colors and the heart [in the Five Zang-Organs]. [The heart] opens into the ears and stores Jing. The disease [of the heart often] involves the Five Zang-Organs. [As to the analogy, the heart is related to] bitler in tastes, Fire in the Wuxing (Five-Elements), sheep in domestic animals, broom-corn millet in crops, Mars in stars in the four seasons {so heart
diseases often involve the blood vessels}, Zheng in scales, seven in numbers and charring smell in odors. "
【英译】"The center is related to yellow in colors and the spleen that opens into the mouth and stores Jing. The disease [of the spleen often] involves the root of the tongue. [As to the analogy, the spleen is related to] sweet in tastes, Earth in the Wuxing, cow in domestic animals, millet in crops, the Saturn in stars in the four seasons, {so the disease of the spleen often invol ves the musc1es}. Gong in scales, five in numbers and fragrance in odors. "
【英译】"The west is related to white in colors and the lung [in the Five Zang-Organs] which opens into the nose and stores Jing (Essence) . The disease [of the lung often] involves the back. [As to the analogy, the lung is related to] pungent in colors, Metal in the Wuxing, horse in domestic animals, rice in crops, Venus in stars in the four seasons, {so the disorder of the lung often involves the skin and hair}, Shang in scales, nine in numbers and stinking smell in odors . “
【英译】"The north is related to black in colors and the kidney [in the Five Zang-Organs] which opens into the genitals and anus and stores Jing ( Essence). The disease [of the kidney often] involves the large joints. [As to the analogy, the kidney is related to] salty in tastes, Water in the Wuxing, pig in domestic animals, bean in crops, the Mercury in stars in the four seasons, {so the disorder of the kidney often involves the bones}, Yu in scales, six in numbers and rotten smell in odors. "
【英译】"'So those sophisticated in feeling the pulse should very carefully examine the Five Zang-Organs and the Six Fu-Organs as well as the conditions of Yin and Yang, the external and the internal, the female and the male, carefully categorizing and studying these abstruse ideas with heart and soul. But do not teach these abstruse theories to anyone not eligible or unqualified to study them. This is the right way [to pass on such valuable theories]. "


2012年12月07日 黄帝内经 | 浏览 660,117 暂无评论      

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<!-- B第一段中文 --><strong>金匮真言论</strong><!-- E第一段中文 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info">
<!-- B第一段英文 --><strong>Discussion on the Important Ideas in the Golden Chamber</strong><!-- E第一段英文 --></div>

<div id="para_div" style="margin:10px 5px 0 0;">
<!-- B中文 -->黃帝問曰:天有八風,經有五風,何謂。<!-- E中文 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info">
<!-- B英文 -->【今译】黄帝问道:自然界有八风,人的经脉病变又有五风的说法,这是怎麽回事呢?

【英译】Huangdi asked, "In the heavens there are eight kinds of wind  [from different directions]. [In the pathological changes of] the Jingmai (Channels) there are five kinds of wind". What do they refer to?"
<!-- E英文 --></div>

<div id="para_div" style="margin:10px 5px 0 0;">
<!-- B中文 -->歧伯對曰:八風發邪,以為經風,觸五藏,邪氣發病。所謂得四時之勝者,春勝長夏,長夏勝冬,冬勝夏,夏勝秋,秋勝春,所謂四時之勝也。<!-- E中文 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info">
<!-- B英文 -->【今译】歧伯答说:自然界的八风是外部的致病邪气,他侵犯经脉,产生经脉的风病,风邪还会继续经脉而侵害五脏,使五脏发生病变。一年的四个季节,有相克的关系,如春胜长夏,长夏胜冬,冬胜夏,夏胜秋,冬胜春,某个季节出现了克制它的季节气候,这就是所谓四时相胜。

【英译】Qibo answered, "The eight kinds of wind may change into Xie (Evil) which causes Jingfeng (Channel-Wind) ". [After] invading the Five Zang-Organs, Xieqi (Evil-Qi) begins to cause diseases. As to the so-called Sheng (Domination) among the four seasons, spring dominates over late summer, late summer over winter, winter over summer, summer over autumn and autumn over spring. This is what the four seasons dominate over each other means.”
<!-- E英文 --></div>

<div id="para_div" style="margin:10px 5px 0 0;">
<!-- B中文 -->東風生於春,病在肝,俞在頸項;南風生於夏,病在心,俞在胸脇;西風生於秋,病在肺,俞在肩背;北風生於冬,病在腎,俞在腰股;中央為土,病在脾;俞在脊。<!-- E中文 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info">
<!-- B英文 -->【今译】东风生于春季,病多发生在肝,肝的经气输注于颈项。南风生于夏季,病多发生于心,心的经气输注于胸胁。西风生于秋季,病多发生在肺,肺的经气输注于肩背。北风生于冬季,病多发生在肾,肾的经气输注于腰股。长夏季节和中央的方位属于土,病多发生在脾,脾的经气输注于脊。

【英译】"The east wind appears in spring. The diseases [occurring in spring tend to] involve the liver and the Acupoints are on the neck and nape . The south wind appears in summer. The diseases [occurring in summer tend to] involve the heart and the Acupoints
are on the chest and rib-side. The west wind appears in autumn. The diseases [occurring in autumn tend to] involve the lung and the Acupoints are on the shoulders and back, The north wind appears in winter, The diseases [occurring in winter tend to] involve the kidney and the Acupoints is on the waist and thigh. The center pertains to Earth [in the Wuxing (Five-Elements)] and the disorders usually involve the spleen and the Shu (Acupoint) are on the spine. "
<!-- E英文 --></div>

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<!-- B中文 -->故春氣者病在頭,夏氣者病在藏,秋氣者病在肩背,冬氣者病在四支。故春善病鼽衄,仲夏善病胸脇,長夏善病洞泄寒中,秋善病風瘧,冬善病痺厥。<!-- E中文 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info">
<!-- B英文 -->【今译】所以春季邪气伤人,多病在头部:夏季邪气伤人,多病在心:秋季邪气伤人,多病在肩背:冬季邪气伤人,多病在四肢。春天多发生嬶衄,夏天多发生在胸胁方面的疾患,长夏季多发生冬泄等里寒证,秋天多发生风疟,冬天多发生痹厥。

【英译】 [The above analyses explain why] diseases caused by Chunqi (Spring-Qi) often involve the head, diseases caused by summer-Qi usually involve the Zang-Organs, diseases caused by Qiuqi (Autumn-Qi) frequently involve the shoulders and back, and diseases caused by Dongqi (Winter-Qi) always involve the four limbs. That is why Qiunü (nasal stuffiness and bleeding) is usually seen in spring, chest and rib-side disorders are often seen in summer, Hanzhong (internal cold syndromes) like Dongxie (acute diarrhea) are frequently seen in late summer, Fengnüe (Wind-Malaria) is often seen in autumn and Bijue (numbness and coldness of the four limbs) is always seen in winter.
<!-- E英文 --></div>

<div id="para_div" style="margin:10px 5px 0 0;">
<!-- B中文 -->故冬不按蹻,春不鼽衄,春不病頸項,仲夏不病胸脇,長夏不病洞泄寒中,秋不病風瘧,冬不病痺厥飱泄,而汗出也。<!-- E中文 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info">
<!-- B英文 -->【今译】若冬天不进行按等扰动阳气的活动,来年春天就不会发生#和颈项部位的疾病,夏天就不会发生胸胁的疾患,长夏季节就不会发生洞泄一类的里寒病,秋天就不会发生风疟病,冬天也不会发生痺厥、飨泄、汗出过多等病症。

【英译】"So avoidance of Anqiao (massage) in winter will prevent Qiunü ( nasal stuffiness and bleeding) and diseases of the neck and nape in spring, disorders of the chest and rib-side in summer, Hanzhong (internal cold syndromes) like Dongxie (acute diarrhea)
in late summer, Fengnüe (wind-malaria) in autumn and Bijue (numbness and coldness of the four limbs), Sunxie (diarrhea with undigested food in it) and polyhidrosis in winter."
<!-- E英文 --></div>

<div id="para_div" style="margin:10px 5px 0 0;">
<!-- B中文 -->夫精者身之本也,故藏於精者春不病溫。夏暑汗不出者,秋成風瘧。此平人脈法也。<!-- E中文 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info">
<!-- B英文 -->【今译】精,是人体的根本,所以阴精内藏而不妄泄,春天就不会得温热病。夏暑阳盛,如果不能排汗散热,到秋天就会酿成风疟病。这是诊察普通人四时发病的一般律。

【英译】"Jing (Essence) is the foundation of the body. Proper storage of Jing will prevent the occurrence of warm disease in spring, anhidrosis in summer, Fengnüe (Wind-Malaria) in autumn. This is [the routine method used to examine] the pulse conditions of general people. "
<!-- E英文 --></div>

<div id="para_div" style="margin:10px 5px 0 0;">
<!-- B中文 -->故曰:陰中有陰,陽中有陽。平旦至日中,天之陽,陽中之陽也;日中至黃昏,天之陽,陽中之陰也;合夜至雞鳴,天之陰,陰中之陰也;雞鳴至平旦,天之陰,陰中之陽也。故人亦應之。<!-- E中文 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info">
<!-- B英文 -->【今译】所以说:阴阳之中,还各有阴阳。白昼属阳,平旦到中午,为阳中之阳。中午到黄昏,则束阳中之阴。黑夜属阴,合夜到鸡鸣,为阴中之阴。鸡鸣到平旦,则属阴中之阳。黑夜属阴,合夜到鸡鸣,为阴中之阴。鸡鸣到平旦,则属阴中之阳。人的情况也与此相应。

【英译】"That is why it is said that there is Yin within Yin and Yang within Yang. From the dawn to the noon, [it is a period of] Yang in the heavens, [known as] Yang within Yang. From the noon to the dusk, [it is also a period of] Yang in the heavens, [but known as] Yin within Yang. From the night to rooster's crow, [it is a period of] Yin in the heavens, [known as] Yin within Yin. From the rooster's crow (midnight) to the dawn. [it is a period of] Yin in the heavens, [known as] Yang within Yin. [The movement of Yin and Yang] in the human body also follows such an order. "
<!-- E英文 --></div>

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<!-- B中文 -->夫言人之陰陽,則外為陽,內為陰。言人身之陰陽,則背為陽,腹為陰。言人身之藏府中陰陽,則藏者為陰,府者為陽。肝心脾肺腎五藏,皆為陰。膽胃大腸小腸膀胱三焦六府,皆為陽。所以欲知陰中之陰,陽中之陽者何也。為冬病在陰,夏病在陽,春病在陰,秋病在陽,皆視其所在,為施鍼石也。故背為陽,陽中之陽,心也;背為陽,陽中之陰,肺也;腹為陰,陰中之陰,腎也;腹為陰,陰中之陽,肝也;腹為陰,陰中之至陰,脾也。此皆陰陽表裏內外雌雄相輸應也,故以應天之陰陽也。<!-- E中文 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info">
<!-- B英文 -->【今译】就人体阴阳而论,外部属阳,内部属阴。就身体的部位来分阴阳,则背为阳,腹为阴。从脏腑的阴阳划分来说,则脏属阴,腑属阳,肝、心、脾、肺、肾五脏都属阴。胆、胃、大肠、小肠、膀胱三焦六腑都属阳。了解阴阳之中复有阴阳的道理是什麽呢?这是要分析四时疾病的在阴在阳,以作为治疗的依据,如冬病在阴,夏病在阳,春病在阴,秋病在阳,都要根据疾病的部位来施用针刺和贬石的疗法。此外,背为阳,阳中之阳为心,阳中之阴为肺。腹为阴,阴中之阴为肾,阴中之阳为肝,阴中的至阴为脾。以上这些都是人体阴阳表里、内外雌雄相互联系又相互对应的例证,所以人与自然界的阴阳是相应的。

【英译】"In tenns of Yin and Yang in the human body. the external is Yang and the internal Yin. In terms of Yin and Yang [ concerning the parts] of the human body, the back is Yang and the abdomen is Yin. In terms of Yin and Yang concerning the Zangfu-Organs. the Zang-Organs pertain to Yin and the Fu-Organs to Yang. So the liver, the heart, the spleen. the lung and the kidney are all Yin, while the gallbladder, the stomach, the large intestine, the small intestine, the bladder and the Sanjiao (Triple-Energizer) are all Yang. What is the use to divide Yin from Yin and Yang from Yang? Because diseases in winter are of Yin [nature] while diseases in summer are of Yang [nature ], and diseases in spring are of Yin [nature] while diseases in autumn are of Yang [nature]. Diseases occurring in different seasons should be treated by Zhenshi (acupuncture and stone-needle) according to their
specific locations. Thus the back belongs to Yang and the Yang within Yang is the heart; the back belongs to Yang and the Yin within Yang is the lung; the abdomen belongs to Yin and the Yin within Yin is the kidney; the abdomen belongs to Yin and the Yang within Yin is the liver; the abdomen belongs to Yin and the extreme Yin within Yin is the spleen. All [the examples mentioned above] are the interrelation and interaction between Yin and Yang, the inside and the outside, the external and the internal as well as the male and the female. Clearly they all correspond to Yin and Yang in nature."
<!-- E英文 --></div>

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<!-- B中文 -->帝曰:五藏應四時,各有收受乎,<!-- E中文 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info">
<!-- B英文 -->【今译】黄帝说:五脏除与四时相应外,它们各自还有相类的事物可以归纳起来吗?

【英译】Huangdi asked, “Apart from the correspondence to the four seasons, do the Five Zang-Organs have [the functions of] reception and storage respectively? "
<!-- E英文 --></div>

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<!-- B中文 -->歧伯曰:有。東方青色,入通於肝,開竅於目,藏精於肝,其病發驚駭,其味酸,其類草木,其畜雞,其穀麥,其應四時,上為歲星,是以春氣在頭也,其音角,其數八,是以知病之在筋也,其臭臊。<!-- E中文 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info">
<!-- B英文 -->【今译】歧伯说:有。比如东方青色,与肝相通,肝开窍于目,经气内藏于肝,发病常表现为惊骇,在五味为酸,与草木同类,在五蓄为鸡,在五谷为麦,与四时中的夏季相应,在天体为岁星,春天阳气上升,所以其气在头,在五音为角,其成数为八,因肝主筋。此外,在嗅味为臊。

【英译】Qibo answered, "Yes. [For example, ] the east corresponds to blue in color and is related to the liver that opens into the eyes and stores Jing (Essence). [The manifestation of] the liver disease is fright. [As to the analogy, the liver is related to] sour [in tastes ] , grasses and trees in Wood, chicken in domestic animals, wheat in crops and Jupiter in stars in the four seasons, {so Chunqi (Spring-Qi ) and the diseases caused by it often involve the head} Jiao in scales, eight in numbers {so the liver diseases often involve the sinews} and foul smell in odors.
<!-- E英文 --></div>

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<!-- B中文 -->南方赤色,入通於心,開竅於耳,藏精於心,故病在五藏,其味苦,其類火,其畜羊,其穀黍,其應四時,上為熒惑星,是以知病之在脈也,其音徵,其數七,其臭焦。<!-- E中文 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info">
<!-- B英文 -->【今译】南方赤色,与心相通,心开窍于耳,经气内藏与心,在五味为苦,与火同类,

【英译】"The south is related to red in colors and the heart [in the Five Zang-Organs]. [The heart] opens into the ears and stores Jing. The disease [of the heart often] involves the Five Zang-Organs. [As to the analogy, the heart is related to] bitler in tastes, Fire in the Wuxing (Five-Elements), sheep in domestic animals, broom-corn millet in crops, Mars in stars in the four seasons {so heart
diseases often involve the blood vessels}, Zheng in scales, seven in numbers and charring smell in odors. "
<!-- E英文 --></div>

<div id="para_div" style="margin:10px 5px 0 0;">
<!-- B中文 -->中央黃色,入通於脾,開竅於口,藏精於脾,故病在舌本,其味甘,其類土,其畜牛,其穀稷,其應四時,上為鎮星,是以知病之在肉也,其音宮,其數五,其臭香。<!-- E中文 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info">
<!-- B英文 -->【今译】中央黄色,与脾相通,脾开窍于口,经气内藏于脾,在五味为甘,与土同类,在五畜为牛,在五谷为稷,与四时中的长夏相应,在天体为镇星,他的疾病多发生在舌根和肌肉,在五音为宫,其生数为五。此外,在嗅味为香。

【英译】"The center is related to yellow in colors and the spleen that opens into the mouth and stores Jing. The disease [of the spleen often] involves the root of the tongue. [As to the analogy, the spleen is related to] sweet in tastes, Earth in the Wuxing, cow in domestic animals, millet in crops, the Saturn in stars in the four seasons, {so the disease of the spleen often invol ves the musc1es}. Gong in scales, five in numbers and fragrance in odors. "
<!-- E英文 --></div>

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<!-- B中文 -->西方白色,入通於肺,開竅於鼻,藏精於肺,故病在背,其味辛,其類金,其畜馬,其穀稻,其應四時,上為太白星,是以知病之在皮毛也,其音商,其數九,其臭腥。<!-- E中文 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info">
<!-- B英文 -->【今译】西方白色,与肺相通,肺开窍于鼻,经气内藏于肺,在五味为辛,与金同类,在五畜为马,在五谷为稻,与四时中的秋季相应,在天体为太白星,他的疾病多发生在背部和皮毛,在五音为商,其成数为九。此外,在嗅味为腥。

【英译】"The west is related to white in colors and the lung [in the Five Zang-Organs] which opens into the nose and stores Jing (Essence) . The disease [of the lung often] involves the back. [As to the analogy, the lung is related to] pungent in colors, Metal in the Wuxing, horse in domestic animals, rice in crops, Venus in stars in the four seasons, {so the disorder of the lung often involves the skin and hair}, Shang in scales, nine in numbers and stinking smell in odors . “
<!-- E英文 --></div>

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<!-- B中文 -->北方黑色,入通於腎,開竅於二陰,藏精於腎,故病在谿,其味鹹,其類水,其畜彘,其穀豆,其應四時,上為辰星,是以知病之在骨也,其音羽,其數六,其臭腐。<!-- E中文 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info">
<!-- B英文 -->【今译】北方黑色,与肾相同,肾开窍于前后二阴,经气内藏于肾,在五味为咸,与水同类,在五畜为猪,在五谷为豆,与四时中的冬季相应,在天体为辰星,他的疾病多发生在溪和骨,在五音为羽,其成数为六。此外,其嗅味为腐。

【英译】"The north is related to black in colors and the kidney [in the Five Zang-Organs] which opens into the genitals and anus and stores Jing ( Essence). The disease [of the kidney often] involves the large joints. [As to the analogy, the kidney is related to] salty in tastes, Water in the Wuxing, pig in domestic animals, bean in crops, the Mercury in stars in the four seasons, {so the disorder of the kidney often involves the bones}, Yu in scales, six in numbers and rotten smell in odors. "
<!-- E英文 --></div>

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<!-- B中文 -->故善為脈者,謹察五藏六府,一逆一從,陰陽表裏,雌雄之紀,藏之心意,合心於精,非其人勿教,非其真勿授,是謂得道。<!-- E中文 --><button class="btn_show_more">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</button><div class="more_info">
<!-- B英文 -->【今译】所以善于诊脉的医生,能够谨慎细心地审查五脏六腑的变化,了解其顺逆的情况,把阴阳、表里、雌雄的对应和联系,纲目分明地加以归纳,并把这些精深的道理,深深地记在心中。这些理论,至为宝贵,对于那些不是真心实意地学习而又不具备一定条件的人,切勿轻易传授,这才是爱护和珍视这门学问的正确态度。

【英译】"'So those sophisticated in feeling the pulse should very carefully examine the Five Zang-Organs and the Six Fu-Organs as well as the conditions of Yin and Yang, the external and the internal, the female and the male, carefully categorizing and studying these abstruse ideas with heart and soul. But do not teach these abstruse theories to anyone not eligible or unqualified to study them. This is the right way [to pass on such valuable theories]. "
<!-- E英文 --></div>

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英文名称:Huangdi Neijing; Inner Canon of Huangdi; Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor
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《<a href="http://ctext.org/huangdi-neijing/shang-gu-tian-zhen-lun" target="_blank">上古天真論</a>》诸子百家:中國哲學書電子化計劃
《<a href="http://www.verycd.com/topics/2920972/" target="_blank">大中华文库</a>》 LIBRARY OF CHINESE CLASSICS, Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine, Plain Conversation
《<a href="http://v.book.ifeng.com/read/book/book_info/2369.htm" target="_blank">黄帝内经家用说明书:上古天真论</a>》凤凰网读书
<del datetime="2012-12-08T01:50:23+00:00">《<a href="http://www.uus8.com/BOOK/html/type3/133/01/index.html" target="_blank">黄帝内经素问</a>》悠悠书吧</del>
《<a href="http://book.ifeng.com/lianzai/detail_2009_03/17/291236_1.shtml" target="_blank">黄帝内经使用手册</a>》凤凰网读书
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中华中医网:中医书籍 > <a href="http://www.zhzyw.org/zyxx/zysj/hsw/index.html" target="_blank">黄帝内经·素问</a>
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