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Windows 7 启动失败 - GRUB rescue

C 盘满了,想扩大 C 盘容量。先删了 extended partition 中的一个与C盘相邻的逻辑硬盘(里面有虚拟机)后有了 Free Space,但用 Windows 7 内的 Storage Manage,不能缩小 extended partition 的空间。所以还是没有 Unallocated disk space 用来扩大C盘。仍然解决不了扩大 primary partition 的问题。(后来,用了 Gparted 光盘启动,轻松缩小了 extended partition。)然后就用 Windows 7 内建的 Storage manage 扩大了C盘。

这期间发生了一个插曲,就是删了逻辑硬盘之后,电脑不能启动了,显示 error file not found grub rescue。用下面的方法解决了:

1a. Insert the Windows 7 DVD or repair disk and restart your computer. Boot from the DVD, press a key if prompted.

1b. Or if you don’t have disks press F8 (or F2) instead repeatedly at boot and choose "Repair your computer" then go to step 4.

2. Choose your language and click Next.

3. Click Repair Your Computer and then select the operating system you want to repair.

4. Select Command Prompt and type the following commands (pressing Enter after each one):


bootrec /fixMBR

bootrec /fixBoot

bootrec /rebuildBCD


Note: there is a space before the /

From <https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/unable-to-boot-system-enters-rescue-modegrub/d0885967-2596-4ce2-8423-2b0704ac8d42>




简谱  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    i
唱名 do  re   mi   fa  sol  la   si  do
C调  C    D     E   F    G    A    B     c
D调  D    E   #F   G    A    B   #C   d
E调  E   #F   #G   A    B  #C  #D   E 
F调  F     G    A   ♭B   C    D    E     F
G调  G    A    B    C    D    E   #F   G
A调  A    B    #C   D   E   #F   #G   A
B调  B   #C   #D   E  #F  #G  #A   B



 一张图片胜过千言万语,但它也会占用我们网站空间。最好用 Google Photos 这样的云存储服务来保存和组织图像。然后将谷歌相册中的照片直接嵌入到网页上。有两种方法实现:

Free web-based tool 免费网页工具


  1. Open your preferred photo in Google Photos and click on "Share" then "Create Link" to get a shareable link for that image.
  2. Copy the link and paste it into the "Google Photos link" box on the Labnol homepage.
  3. Confirm that you are human and click "Generate Embed Link," and your link will be ready.

Manual Route 手动方法


  1. Open your preferred photo in Google Photos and click on "Share," then "Create Link" to get a shareable link for that image.
  2. Copy the link and open a new browser tab.
  3. Paste the link address into the new browser window. This will bring you to a new shared album with just that photo in it.
  4. Click the image to zoom in and right-click on the image.
  5. Select "Copy image address" from the menu.
    You now have your embed link, which can be used on HTML website. 

From: How To Embed Single Photos From Google Photos on Your Website and Notion Page