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VOA NEWS - 210807

VOA News

August 7, 2021

This is VOA News. Reporting by remote, I'm David Byrd.


Two Myanmar citizens were arrested Friday on charges alleging that they conspired to oust Myanmar's ambassador to the United Nations, who opposes the military junta [(武力夺取政权的)军政府] that seized power earlier this year by injuring or even killing him.

U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said in a release Friday that the two men plotted to seriously injure or kill Myanmar's ambassador in an attack that was to take place on American soil.

According to court documents in White Plains, New York, federal court, a Thailand arms dealer who sells weapons to the Myanmar military hired the pair to hurt the ambassador to try to force him to step down. If that didn't work, the ambassador was to be killed, according to authorities.

Myanmar's military overthrew the country's civilian government in early February.


The first Afghan city fell to the Taliban Friday when the militants overran [(尤指坏事)泛滥,蔓延于;占领(领土)] Zaranj, the provincial capital of Nimruz in southwestern Afghanistan. The U.N. Security Council took up the matter on Friday.

U.N. special Envoy for Afghanistan Deborah Lyons told the council that the war has "entered a new and deadlier and more destructive phase."

"The Taliban campaign during June and July to capture rural areas has achieved significant territorial gains. From this strengthened position, they have begun to attack the larger cities."

At the White House, spokesperson Jen Psaki said the path of violence will not bring the Taliban "the legitimacy" it is seeking.

"They do not have to stay on this trajectory. ([物] 轨道,轨线;[航][军] 弹道) They could choose to devote the same energy to the peace process as they are to their military campaign. We strongly urge them to do so."

The council's meeting came hours after the Taliban ambushed and killed the director of Afghanistan's government media center in Kabul, the latest killing of a government official just days after an assassination attempt on the country's acting defense minister.

This is VOA News.


A New Jersey gym owner and a Washington state man have become the first people charged in the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol to plead guilty to assaulting a law enforcement officer during the deadly siege. AP's Ben Thomas has more.

Federal prosecutors identified former mixed martial arts [综合格斗(运动名)] fighter Scott Fairlamb as one of the first people to breach the Capitol after other rioters smashed in windows and kicked out a door. They say he also harassed [骚扰,(使)困扰(或烦恼);反复袭击] police officers after he left the building.

Fairlamb's attorney says prosecutors are seeking a sentence in a range of three and a half to a little more than four years in prison.

The second man, Devlin Thompson of Washington state, pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer with a baton. [指挥棒;接力棒;警棍;司令棒] He's been ordered jailed in Seattle.

More than 30 other defendants (被告) have pleaded guilty though mostly to misdemeanor (轻罪;品行不端) charges.

I'm Ben Thomas.


An Arkansas judge has temporarily blocked the state from enforcing a law that prevents schools and other governmental agency from requiring masks. AP's Jennifer King reports.

Pulaski County Circuit Judge Tim Fox issued a preliminary injunction (初步禁令) against the law that Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson signed in April. The ban was being challenged by two lawsuits, including one from the Marion School District, where more than 950 staff and students have had to quarantine since classes began last week. The district says 54 students and 11 staff have tested positive for COVID-19.

Hutchinson had called a special session for lawmakers to consider rolling back the ban for some schools but faced heavy opposition from fellow Republicans.

I'm Jennifer King.


Hiring surged in July as American employers added 943,000 jobs and the unemployment rate dropped to 5.4 percent. Even as the U.S. economy shows signs of a surprisingly strong pandemic recovery, there are fears a resurgent virus could set it back. AP's Sagar Meghani reports.

The delta variant is the wild card (通配符;无法预言的人或事物) but the White House says nation shouldn't worry much about its effects on the economy.

"This is not March 2020 or even January 20-21."

Spokeswoman Jen Psaki says the country is in a much better place with vaccines. There will not be lockdowns.

"We are not turning back the clock."

Wells Fargo (美国富国银行集团) senior economist Sarah House says she doesn't expect any widespread restrictions that would badly hurt the economy but the delta spread may have some impact.

"It might lead some people to curb some of their outings (远足;短途旅游;体育比赛) and spending and therefore potentially some hiring (雇用;租用;招聘)."

Sagar Meghani, Washington.


On Wall Street, the Dow Jones Industrials rose by four tenths of one percent while the S&P 500 added .2 percent. The NASDAQ dropped, however, by .4 percent.

Reporting by remote, I'm David Byrd, VOA News.

VOA NEWS - 210801



August 1, 2021

This is VOA News. Reporting by remote, I'm David Byrd.


Government forces in Afghanistan battled a major assault Saturday by Taliban insurgents (叛乱分子) on Lashkar Gah, the capital of southern Helmand province as officials said clash
es were ongoing inside parts of the city.

Both sides reportedly suffered heavy casualties. The fierce fighting forced civilians to flee for safety amid allegations that Afghan air force planes had bombed and destroyed a city hospital.

The provincial governor, Mohammad Ali Alizai, told reporters the arrival of reinforcements and airstrikes against insurgent positions had helped contain [
制; 容纳; 牵制(敌军)] Taliban advances. However, security officials confirmed to VOA that clashes were continuing in parts of the provincial capital.

Heavy fighting was also reported in the adjoining city of Kandahar, the capital of the province of the same name, and outside the capital city of the western Herat province, next to the country's border with Iran.

Security conditions have deteriorated across Afghanistan since May 1st, when the United States and NATO allies began withdrawing their last remaining troops from the country after 20 years.


Tenants saddled (承受;使负担;跨上马鞍)
with months of back rent are facing the end of a federal eviction moratorium (暂停,中止), which expires in a few hours, a move that could lead to millions being forced from their homes just as the highly contagious delta variant of the coronavirus is rapidly spreading.

The Biden administration announced Thursday it would allow the ban to expire, saying it wanted to extend it due to rising infections but its hands were tied after the U.S. Supreme Court signaled in June that it wouldn't be extended beyond the end of July without congressional action (国会授权).

House lawmakers on Friday attempted, but failed, to pass a bill to extend the moratorium (暂停,中止) even for a few months.

This is VOA News.


There are more protests in France this weekend over a new requirement that a special coronavirus pass be shown to enter restaurants and other public places. AP's Ben Thomas has details.

"Liberty" was the slogan of the day at pass protests across France. The marches drew estimates of more than 200,000 people around the country, more than 14,000 in Paris, where tensions flared (向外展开) in front of the Mo
ulin Rouge nightclub [红磨坊(巴黎著名歌舞厅)]. As someone in the crowd hurled objects, police fired tear gas and water cannon. ... say three officers were injured while at least one protester was seen bleeding from the head.

With COVID-19 infection spiking in France and hospitalizations rising, lawmakers have passed a bill requiring a special pass in most places as of August 9th. The pass requires a vaccination or a quick negative test or proof of a recent recovery from COVID-19. Polls show a majority of French support the pass.

I'm Ben Thomas.


More than 400,000 AstraZeneca vaccine doses from Britain arrived in Kenya on Saturday, the first of two consignments (托运) destined for Kenya as a bilateral donation from the United Kingdom. More will arrive through the international COVAX system.

Josephine Gauld, Britain's deputy high commissioner (高级专员) in the country, said it was essential for everyone to get vaccinated if they are able to.

"... so please, please, please, if you have the opportunity to get vaccinated, do, because you're not just protecting yourself but protecting your friends and families and those who are around you."

Gauld said the delivery was part of Britain's pledge to donate 100 million vaccine doses worldwide, 30 million of them by the end of this year.


The SOS Mediterranée humanitarian organization rescued almost 200 migrants off the Libyan coast on Saturday. The 196 migrants who mostly came from Syria, Eritrea [厄立特里亚国(东非国家)], Nigeria, Cameroon and Ghana were picked up in four different operations. There were 28 women among the rescued, at least two of whom were pregnant, and 33 minors (未成年人) including two children under the age of five.

The migrants are now all aboard the Ocean Viking waiting to find out where they'll be able to disembark.


Police in Beijing have detained Chinese-Canadian pop star Kris Wu on suspicion of rape following an accusation the former member of the Korean boy band EXO lured young women into sexual relationships. The pop star had previously denied the accusations.

The news was trending (热门话题) as the number one most searched topic on Weibo on Saturday night. Some users online started commenting on Wu's social media account, telling him to "Get out of China!"


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